
Dec 20, 2010

First Announcement of the APSAAR2011 Congress in Bangkok

First Announcement of the APSAAR2011 Congress in Bangkok Click

Jul 29, 2010

The joint JMSAS (Japanese Medical Society for Alcohol and Drug Studies) and APSAAR symposium will be held on October 9, 2010 in Japan

The joint JMSAS-APSAAR symposium will be held during the annual meeting of JMSAS. The meeting will be from October 7 (Thu) through October 9 (Sat) 2010 at Rihga Royal Hotel Kokura, Kitakyushu, Japan ( Although the symposium will held in English, the program of the JMSAS Meeting is not available in English. If you are interested in participating in this symposium, please contact the APSAAR office

Joint JMSAS-APSAAR symposium
13:00 - 15:30, October 9, 2010, Rihga Royal Hotel Kokura

Pharmacotherapy of Alcohol Use Disorders: Accumulated Evidence and Future Directions

Toshikazu Saito, Sapporo Medical University, Japan
Susumu Higuchi, NHO Kurihama Alcoholism Center, Japan

Presentations and Speakers:
Pharmacotherapy of alcohol use disorders: review
Toshikazu Saito, Sapporo Medical University, Japan

Primary endpoint of pharmacotherapy: abstinence vs reduction in alcohol consumption
Susumu Higuchi, Kurihama Alcoholism Center, Japan

Opioid systems and AUD: research and clinical experiences in Korea
Sung-Gon Kim, Pusan National University, Korea

Glutamate receptor as a therapeutic target for drug and alcohol abuse
Andrew J Lawrence, University of Melbourne, Australia

Jul 22, 2010

There were some changes in the Board of Directors, Advisors and Officers.

There were some changes in the Board of Directors, Advisors and Officers.

Jul 22, 2010

APSAAR has officially become a regional society of ISBRA.

APSAAR has officially become a regional society of ISBRA.